Det er alt eller intet for Vestas i Marokko

Vestas deltager i en budproces på bygning af fem mølleprojekter på tilsammen 850 megawatt i Marokko. Vinderen løber med samtlige projekter.

(FILES) A picture taken in 2006 shows a Vestas windmill in Denmark. Vestas Wind Systems of Denmark, the world's largest wind energy group, said February 27, 2008 its net earnings rose 162 percent last year, when its market share shrank in the face of Chinese competition and production factors. Vestas reported net profit of 291 million euros (438 million dollars) in 2007, up from 111 million in 2006. AFP PHOTO/SCANPIX/CHRISTIAN RINGBAEK Fold sammen
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Foto: Christian Ringbæk